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 What's not to love in Oaxaca?





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Those who trust in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall rise up and soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary or give up, and they shall run the race and not faint but win and be victorious instead.

Isaiah 40:31 (Paraphrased)

Three years ago Joe and our Director were called on to pray for this sweet woman who bed ridden with intestinal cancer; so bad the doctors had sent her home to die.  Joe asked her if she believed God could and would heal her and she said, "Yes". They spent an hour of prayer with the encouragement to thank God for healing her... all in faith. A year later there was was a call saying she slept and the next day she went to church and has been cancer free ever since. Last year Garett was at a church in that region again and was asking about Aura and how she was doing.  He was told to look and there she was is the same place, cancer free!  How sweet it is to see the results of believing prayer.  Does God want to heal today?  Absolutely!  And that is part of what we do and we see so many lives changed because of healing as God demonstrates His Love and desire to bring life and salvation through believing prayer.  With Jesus there is always HOPE!



Welcome to Oaxaca. This year the best ever.

Standing room only with 100 or more at almost every venue over eleven days of travel and meetings. Saved, healed and delivered.... 

So many people hungry and thirsty for more than tacos but more of Jesus!  Intimacy with God.  It's what our Father God created us for... family. Revival is birthing in Oaxaca and it's the Oaxacan pastors in  the mountain villages and towns, and ordinary people are the ones making it happen. Our team is us, Garett, a Mexican Glenn with wife Rosa born in Oaxaca, and Nico in Oaxaca. We go to come along side and stand with the peopleIt's our home away from home.

A new thing this year is holding a conference for pastors and wives to teach, guide and support  them in various ways to encourage. Their response was very positive to have us teach and minister to them the in's and outs of ministering and loving their own .


Our site is in a continual state of process of being updated... bear with us as we catch up.  Be sure to check in with on our Flying For Jesus FaceBook page for current updates. This year, 2023, was amazing. Holy Spirit was with us all the way
because God knows. He cares about Oaxaca and all of us.... Be encouraged and be blessed... Joe and Marian

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